Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wrought Iron Fence

Another Minolta Autocord image, this time a close up of a stone and wrought iron fence at the University of South Australia. I was as close as I could get to the decorative fence support (about 3.3ft / 1m) and shot with as wide an aperture as the light would allow, in order to throw the background out of focus. I didn't record the details, but I was shooting expired Ilford FP4+ at ISO 64, so it was likely around f4 to f5.6.

The Autocord is impressively sharp at this aperture and with a close focus distance the background is blurred as I had hoped. This image was taken as part of my 'The Block' project, which I'll talk a bit more about in an upcoming post.

Wrought Iron Fence
Minolta Autocord, Ilford FP4+

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