Monday, January 11, 2016


Another camera in my stable is the under rated Minolta Autocord, although its popularity has increased in recent times due to more photographers promoting its virtues on the internet. It was such reviews, and sample photos, that lead me to acquiring one. TLR's are a unique photographic experience, and as a walk around camera, I like the fact that there is no mirror to cause vibrations. When using slow(ish) film (and with the Autocord's maximum aperture of f3.5), its a nice feature to have.

This particular photo was taken as part of a project I am currently working on. I like it because its not something I would normally photograph, and I find the lines, textures and tonal range interesting. I think medium format film helps here, and I'm not sure it would work as well using 35mm film.

It reminds me that it's important to be open and receptive to the unexpected when out photographing. Too often we have preconceived ideas of what we want capture that we miss other opportunities. Many a time I have headed out with a specific idea in mind, only to stumble on an unexpected composition that has turned out much better than the planned scene.

Minolta Autocord, Ilford FP4+ (expired)

The film used was an expired roll of Ilford FP4+. It came from a bulk lot of film purchased when a local studio closed down. The film expired in 2004, but must have been stored well, as I haven't had any issues with the rolls used to date (and since I took ownership they've been stored in the fridge or freezer). This is good news as I have around 190 rolls of it left!

'Asphalt' reminds me of a photography quote I once came across (I don't recollect the author):

"It's better to take an extraordinary photograph of something ordinary, rather than an ordinary photograph of something extraordinary" Unknown.

I always think of this when I see 100 people lined up next to one another taking the same photo of a famous landmark, or scene :)

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