Friday, January 15, 2016

Minolta Autocord Portrait

With a 75mm lens, the Minolta Autocord lens is not a portrait length lens, but its rendering is very pleasant. This particular image was taken in late afternoon light, in the middle of a paddock. The Autocord continues to impress me with its sharpness and image quality, be it portraits, landscapes or anything in between. I'd like to track down a lens hood for it, but I haven't experienced any issues with flare or anything. The genuine Autocord hoods are very hard to find, but cheap plastic ones are relatively abundant on eBay.

Lucy & Thomas
Minolta Autocord, Ilford FP4+


  1. Great site! Happen to come across this photo on Flickr while searching for Autocord Pics. I just got a CDS III model, and am starting to experiment.

    Was this taken with a close-up lens?

    1. Thanks Matthew. Good to hear I have a reader out there. I wasn't sure if it was just search engine crawlers that were reaching it :)

      Congrats on the purchase. I'm sure you'll get plenty of enjoyment from it. The Autocord is a really fun camera to use, and the fact that it produces excellent results is a bonus. I believe mine is RG v3. I'm planning on putting up a post to discuss the Autocord in detail, and my experience using it.

      No, it was taken without any attachments, just the standard lens. I must have been pretty close, because I didn't really crop at all. The only thing you need be mindful of when working close up is to allow for the parallax error (just allow some extra space above the subjects head). A few times I have cut the tops of people's heads off.

  2. Thanks for the reply JB! I'll keep in mind the parallax error when shooting close, and I look forward to a detailed post whenever you have a chance. Loading up some 400H as we speak for a test tomorrow.

    Keep shooting!


    1. Hi Matthew,
      I tested a Minolta Autocord with close up lenses.
      See picts here :!Close-up-ou-rapprochonsnous-un-peu/c20te/575417480cf245cf719feb0d
      No parallax correction needed with the Minolta sets.
      Comments are in french but you can visit my english version web site :

  3. Great photo. I use this camera, too.

  4. Thanks. They are great cameras. I really need to put some more photos up from it.

  5. Nice shot, good light.
    If you want to know more about the Minolta Autocord you can visit my web site :
