Saturday, January 23, 2016

Photography Project: The Block

A long term photography project I have been working on is The Block. The Block is a black and white film photography project, limited to a single 50 acre block in Adelaide, South Australia. All photographs were taken within the block with analog film cameras, on Ilford black and white film. Other than location, and medium (black and white film) I didn't place any further restrictions on the photographs. I'm aiming for 20 to 30 images that will be put together and printed in a photo book.

Morning Rays, The Block
Olympus 35SP, Ilford HP5+
What's the saying, you never really finish a photo project, you just eventually lose interest. There have been many months where there has been no progress, but I've persevered and continued on. I think I'm getting near the end of the taking photos side. I've got about half a dozen rolls or more in the fridge waiting to be developed, so I'll see what comes of those first. Then I'll need to start the editing process, select the images that will be used, and finally sequence the photos and put together the book. So still a lot of work to go before I have a book in my hand.
I would have liked to have printed the final images traditionally in the darkroom, and then scanned the prints to go into the book. However I don't have a darkroom currently, so I'll be scanning the negatives and adjusting in Lightroom.

Courtyard, The Block
Olympus 35SP, Ilford HP5+
I started the project for a number of reasons, but primarily it was to motivate myself to go out and photograph more. The location of the block was close to the office, so I could work on the project at lunchtime, and if time permitted before and/or after work. Prior to the project I would procrastanate  that there was nothing around to photograph, but really I just wasn't trying.

Sometimes things with well defined limits and constraints forces you to focus and channel your time and energy. Too much space and free reign can stifle the photographic process. Limitless locations, mediums, options...

Of course when I do complete the project, I'll share the resulting photo book.

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