Monday, February 1, 2016

Scanning Medium Format Film with a 35mm Flatbed Scanner

For a long time I put off digitising my medium format negatives as I didn't have a scanner capable of handling anything more than 35mm. I tried DSLR scanning, but had mixed results. My setup wasn't ideal and it was a pain to setup each time I wanted to scan. If I had a semi-permanent setup I think things would be been better, but that was a bridge too far.

I had been happy with the 35mm results from my Epson Perfection 2400 Photo scanner, a flatbed scanner with a 35mm film strip adaptor built inside the lid. They say necessity is the mother of invention, so out of necessity (an Epson v700/v750 was out of my price range) I started making some film holders to hold medium format film strips at about the same height as the Epson holder. Around the same time I read that some users had good results scanning film directly off the glass, with an Epson similar to mine.

Epson Perfection 2400 Photo